Practice MP3s
All Glory, Laud, and Honor
- St Theodulph
All Hail Adored Trinity
- John D Chambers; Gene Psalter, Louis Bourgeois
All Praise and Glad Thanksgiving
- Melvin Farrell; Limburg Gesangbuch
All The Ends of The Earth
- Bob Dufford SJ (Psalm 98)
Alleluia! Alleluia! Let The Hold Anthem Rise
As I Have Done For You
- Dan Schutte (John 13--16)
- Tom Conry
Be Not Afraid
- Bob Dufford (Isaiah 43:2-3; Luke 6:20ff)
Beyond The Days
- Ricky Manalo CSP
Blest Be the Lord
- Dan Schutte (Psalm 91)
Bread for the World
- Bernadette Farrell
By The Waking Of Our Hearts
- Ricky Manalo
Canticle of The Sun
- Marty Haugen
Center of My Life
- Paul Inwood (Psalm 16:1-2 7-11)
Christ, The Lord, Is Risen Today
- Charles Wesley; Robert Williams
Christ, The Lord, Is Risen Today
- Victimae Paschali
Come to Me
- Westen Priory (Matthew 11:28-30; Psalm 23)
Companions on The Journey
- Carey Landry (Micah 6:8; Matthew 7:7)
Earthen Vessels
- John Foley SJ (2 Corinthians 4: 6-7; 1 Corinthians 1:27-29)
Flow River Flow
- Bob Hurd (Ezekiel 11:19-20; Isaiah 35:1-6; John 4:7-15)
Gather Your People
- Bob Hurd (1 Corinthians 12; Isaiah 2:3-4; 11:9)
Glory and Praise to Our God
- Dan Schutte (Psalm 65, 66)
Glory In The Cross
- Dan Schutte
- Weston Priory (Hosea)
How Can I keep From Singing (version 1)
- (Quaker Hymn, attr. Robert Lowry 1826-1899)
How Can I keep From Singing (version 2)
- (Quaker Hymn, attr. Robert Lowry 1826-1899)
I, The Lord - Tom Kendzia <more than 10megs>
I Heard The Voice of Jesus
- Kingsfold
In Every Age
- Janet Sullivan Whitaker (Psalm 90: 1-4, 12)
In The Day of The Lord
- MD Ridge (Isaiah 2, 25, 41)
Jesus Is Risen
- Lasst Uns Erfreuen
Join in The Dance
- Dan Schutte
Joyful, Joyful We Adore You
- Beethoven, Henry van Dyke
Lead Me Lord
- John D Becker (Matthew 5:3-12; 7:7,13; John 14:6)
Let There Be Peace on Earth
- Sy Miller and Jill Jackson
Lift High The Cross
- George W Kitchin; Sydney H Nicholson (1 Corinthians 1:18)
Lift Up Your Hearts
- Roc O'Connor SJ (Psalm 66)
Like A Shepherd
- Bob Dufford SJ (Isaiah 40:9; Ezekiel 34:11; Matthew 11:28)
Lord of Glory
- Tim Manion (Song of Songs 2)
Lord of The Dance
- Shaker Melody
Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days
- St. Flavian
Lord You Have Come
(to the seashore) - Cesareo Gabarain
Love One Another
- Bob Dufford SJ (John 14--16; 1 Corinthians 13)
Mary's Song
- Millie Rieth (Luke 1:46-55)
O Bless The Lord
- John Michaels (Psalm 148)
O Sacred Head
- Bob Hurd; Bernard of Clairvaux
On Eagle's Wings
- Michael Joncas (Psalm 91)
One Bread, One Body
- John Foley SJ (1 Corinthians 10; 12; Galatians 3; Ephesians 4; The Didache 9)(1978)
One Love Released
- Bob Frenzel, Kevin Keil (1999)
Now The Green Blade Rises
- text: JMC Crum; music: trad. French melody
Rejoice, The Lord Is King
- Charles Wesley, John Darwall
Roll Away The Stone
- Tom Conry
Sing O Sing
- Dan Schutte
Sing to the Mountains
- Bob Dufford (Psalm 118:24; Isaiah 6:3)
Save Your People
- Jim Farrell (Psalm 27)
Seek The Lord
- Roc O'Connor SJ (Isaiah 55:6-9)
Send Us Your Spirit - David Haas
Send Us Your Spirit
- Dan Schutte
Shelter Me, O God
- Bob Hurd (Psalm 139: 1-4, 7-12, 23-24)
Shepherd Me, O God
- Marty Haugen (Psalm 23)
Sing A New Song
- Dan Schutte (Psalm 98: 1, 4-6)
Sing To The Mountains
- Bob Dulford SJ (Psalm 118: 24; Isaiah 6:3)
Spirit, Come
- Gregory Norbert
The Cry of the Poor
- John Foley SJ (Psalm 34:2-3, 18-20)
The Glory of these Forty Days
- St Gregory the Great; JS Bach
The King of Glory
- Willard F Jabusch; Israeli folk song
Those Who See Light
- Nancy Elze
To Jesus Christ, Our Sovereign King
- Martin B Hellriegel, Irene C Mueller
Transfigure Us, O Lord
- Bob Hurd (Matthew 17:1-9; Mark 9:2-10; Luke 9:28-36)
Unless A Grain of Wheat
- Bernadette Farrell (John 12:24-26; 14:23, 27; 15: 4-5, 7-8; 2 Timothy 2: 11-12)
We Remember - Marty Haugen
We Walk by Faith - Marty Haugen (John 20:24-29; Henry Alford 1810-1871)
We Will Rise Again
- David Haas (Isaiah 40: 11, 26, 29-30; 41: 10)(1985)
Ye Sons and Daughters
- Phoeebe P Knapp; Lynn Trapp
You Are Mine
- David Haas
You Are Near
- Dan Schutte (Psalm 139)
You Are The Healing
- Scott Soper (1992)
Your Words Are Spirit and Life
- Bernadette Farrell (Psalm 19:8-11)